About us

HSI was established in 2010 as a company specializing in consulting, providing investment solutions packages for hospitals, clinics and implementing medical socialization projects in nationwide.

We always try our best to bring the most effective investment solutions to hospitals and medical facilities through machine leasing, joint ventures and public-private partnerships. In addition, with a nationwide reach and the goal of connecting products and services to support human health, we have been conducting research on telemedicine solutions for healthcare services in Vietnam. Telemedicine was built as a way to treat patients in remote areas, far from local medical facilities, or in areas where there is a shortage of medical professionals.

To approach the project correctly, we always position ourselves as the hospital's personal finance and investment specialists and effectively manage every aspect of their investments. Our team of experts provide our clients with the knowledge and skills in key aspects of investing in projects to maximize benefits for both patients and hospitals.

Being innovating for development, we proud to become a reliable partner of customers.